
As every year, a big part of conceiving the robot is designing the mechanical parts. The requirements change with the years, but as a big innovation in 2018, we suggest to keep the Mecanum wheels system. According to the rules, you'll have to realize diverse action in order to get points.

For example, in 2018, the actions were:

  • Collecting blocs, lift them, sort them according to their color and build a tower with them.
  • Collecting balls from a pipe, sort them by color and evacuate them to a lower position and to a higher one.

You'll find more information about the designed mechanisms in the two dedicated chapters (Lift & Ball mechanism).

Before that, we want to introduce you to one of our main tools to design those mechanisms and build them. These are:

  • Fusion 360, to design 3D models.
  • 3D Printing, to make the pieces we designed or found on the internet fast and cheap.