Folder structure

Here is the general structure of our project for Eurobot 2018.

│   .gitignore
|   └───differential-drive
│   |
|   └───differential_driver
│   |
|   └───ecam_msg
│   |
|   └───mecanum
│   |
|   └───navigation
│   |
|   └───robot_2018
│   |
|   └───robot_description
│   |
|   └───sensors
│   |
|   └───strategy

The different folders:

  • arduino: This folder contains all the arduino codes used within the 2 robots.
  • documentation: The project documentation for the same year of Eurobot.
  • ros_packages: Contains all our ros packages.
    • differential-drive: Provides some basic tools for interfacing a differential-drive robot with the ROS navigation stack. The intention is to make this independent of specific robot implementation.
    • differential_driver: package for the differential drive of Minus.
    • ecam_msg: contains custom messages for robots.
    • mecanum: package for the mechanic wheels of Cortex.
    • robot_2018: package that manages the launch of 2 robots.
    • robot_description: package that describes robots for simulation with rviz.
    • sensors: packages for ultrasound management.
    • strategy: package for the strategies chosen by the 2 robots.

For more information about what is a package in ROS.