ROS or Robot Operating Systems is an open source framework designed for designing robots. ROS is commonly installed upon a Linux operating system. There are different ROS versions:
- Lunar (Latest)
- Kinetic (LTS)
- Jade
- Indigo
- ...
The ROS distribution we're using for Eurobot is the 'Kinetic' versions.
What's great about ROS, it's that there is an ever growing community that is sharing their code & projects of robotic machines. This is great because there are many build-in/downloadable libraries ready to use and the end user doesn't need to reinvent the wheel for classic robotic manipulations, like for example:
- Drivers to read/write to sensors
- Robotic algorithms (navigation, interpret sensor data, object manipulation)
- ...
In this section we will go over the basic concepts of ROS, the actual installation and the realisation of a project from scratch.